The glittering depths of Quebec waterways are unmatched, and the Canadian province is a real beauty no matter where you are. With plenty of coastline, rivers, lakes and ponds, taking a pleasure craft out on Quebec waters is a must-do for every Canadian.
Known as “la belle province,” there’s just something extra special about boating in the beauty of Quebec.
Wondering how to license your boat properly? Here’s everything you need to know about boat registration in Quebec.

How Do I Know If My Boat Needs to Be Registered?
When you own and operate a boat in Quebec, you’ll need to licence or register it, depending on the boat you’re operating.
Most boats are considered pleasure crafts in Canada, meaning they are being used for leisure. Your pleasure craft must be licenced if it has a motor of 7.5 kW (10 horsepower) or more — which most boats you’re operating probably do.
In Canada, you’ll only need to deal with boat registration for commercial vessels, government-owned vessels, barges, commercial river rafts, vessels with a marine mortgage, and vessels traveling outside Canada.
Pleasure crafts, which are more likely your speed, only require a licence.
What Boats Are Exempt from Boat Registration in Quebec?
If you own and operate a pleasure craft in Quebec, it will need to be licenced.
These are the only exceptions:
- A motor of less than 10 horsepower (7.5 kW)
- A boat with a Transport Canada registration
- Purchased less than 90 days ago.
Note that the 90 days mentioned are a grace period. Pleasure craft boaters in Quebec are required to carry documentation with their name, address, and purchase date when boating.
How Do I Licence My Pleasure Craft in Quebec?
You can apply online or complete a mail-in application to apply for a Pleasure Craft Licence in Quebec.
The application can be printed and mailed alongside all required documents or can be completed electronically, and the following documents are required for registration:
- A completed application
- Signed photocopy of the valid government-issued identification for each owner
- A copy of the bill of sale or proof of ownership (home-built boats without a bill of sale may submit a declaration under oath)
- A current, full side view photo of the pleasure craft

How Much Does it Cost To Licence a Pleasure Craft in Quebec?
There is no charge to obtain a pleasure craft licence in Quebec. However, if caught operating without a licence, you could be charged a fee of $250.
How Do I Transfer Ownership To My New Pleasure Craft?
To transfer ownership to your new pleasure craft in Quebec, complete the Pleasure Craft Licence application and write “transfer ownership” in the field marked for application reason.
You’ll need the following documentation:
- The completed application
- Signed photocopy of the valid government-issued identification for each owner
- A copy of the bill of sale or proof of ownership
- A current, full side view photo of the pleasure craft
What Else Do I Need to Know About Pleasure Craft Licences in Quebec?
You must display the license number in a contrasting colour on both sides of the boat’s bow at all times. In Quebec, your pleasure craft licence number must be displayed at a size of at least 7.5 centimetres (or 3 inches) high. The licence itself must always be carried on the boat.
Additionally, any Pleasure Craft Licence issued after 2010 is valid for ten years. However, the licence must be updated with any name or address changes.

Use These Insights for Boat Registration in Quebec
In Quebec, everyone must carry Pleasure Craft Operator Cards to operate any motorized pleasure craft, including jet skis. To obtain your card, you’ll need to take a boating safety course like BOATsmart!’s, so why not make it fun?
With an engaging, exciting, narrated, and animated curriculum, you’ll be properly licensed and outfitted with all the safety information you need. Plus, your Pleasure Craft Operator Card is good in every province across Canada — so you can boat to your heart’s content, no matter where you are!
Originally published in October 2021. Content most recently reviewed and updated for accuracy and relevancy August 22, 2024.